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TOP 5 (from left) Wade Hull of Shilen Rifles Inc., Jason Frymier 4th, Maurice Hassard 3rd, Ivan Wells 1st, Tim Longcore 2nd, Bob Cleveland 5th, Felix “Pokey” Patlan of Shilen Rifles, Inc.

Wade Hull and Felix “Pokey” Patlan of Shilen Rifles Inc. with Champion Ivan Wells! Ivan Wells Received his Minute Man Trophy from Dan Killough. Ivan also won Chickenfoot Target 2 with a 2400. Tim Longcore 2nd Place Maurice Hassard 3rd Place Jason Frymier 4th Place. Winner of PQP Target 4 with a 2450 & Target 5 with a 2400. Bad Bob 5th Place Jerry Stiller 6th Place & winner of Target 1 with a 2500! Margie Barron 7th Place John Manhart 8th Place Matt Dardas 9th Place Todd Wooten 10th Place Jamie Hoskins Target 3 winner 2400 The Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis